The giraffe

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Howard Thurman


Our inner giraffe is our caring, compassionate, loving side. It’s the part of us that, according to Marshall B. Rosenberg, is our natural human state of being. When we connect with our inner giraffe we are able to live in a big hearted way: with compassion, abundance and joy.

When I step into my giraffe skin, I am getting in touch with what is truly alive for me (and others) in that moment. I am present and connected to my heart, viewing whatever shows up with kindness and acceptance, rather than falling into old patterns of judgement and blame.

As I’ve learned to harness my inner giraffe, I’ve developed a greater depth of understanding of myself and others. In so doing, I’ve strengthened my relationships - particularly with my daughters and my husband - resulting in more harmony and joy all round!


  • Have supercharged hearts

  • Are patient, compassionate and kind

  • Are excellent listeners

  • Observe rather than judge

  • Are well-versed in the practice and language of empathy

  • Know they are not perfect and don’t judge themselves by their mistakes

  • Are able to forgive – both themselves and others

  • See beyond jackal behaviours to the unmet needs behind them

  • Have a higher perspective on life – they see how we are all interconnected and how our actions have a ripple effect out into the world.

The good news is we are all giraffes at heart. Even if our giraffes don’t show up too often, with some mindful nurturing we can bring our inner giraffe to the surface. 

Tending to our basic needs is key to being able to step into our giraffe skin. I’ve learned the hard way that if I don’t get enough sleep or skip meals it’s so much harder for me to find my giraffe - let alone harness it!

Important point: Being more giraffe does not mean suppressing your inner jackal and ignoring your emotions. It means paying attention to what your jackal is telling you then listening and responding from your giraffe heart.